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ShockBot Discord User Guide

ParameterData TypeUser InputDescription
/neworderSlash CommandN/AStarts a New Order Ticket
For use with FacEco and WarEco
order-typeString Choice
Pre-defined choice:
Facility or WarEco
order-customerString InputtextUser input for customer name.
Max 20 characters
order-regimentString InputtextUser input for customer regiment.
Max 10 characters
application notes

All tickets must be started with /neworder. This command reads the current ticket channel name, creates a ticket log in the ShockBot database, and generates an empty ticket embed in the discord channel the command was used in. ShockBot logs the Discord Clan ID, Channel ID, and Message ID of the reply sent to the user.

ParameterData TypeUser InputDescription
/addlineSlash CommandN/AAdds a new line item
For use with FacEco and WarEco
eco-typeSub-Command Group
Pre-defined choice:
Facility or WarEco
order-customerInteger Input#User input for quantity
application notes

All tickets lines must be added with /addline. Choices appear depending on user selection, and may be de-activated by either at the program level or item level by PMs.

ParameterData TypeUser InputDescription
/removelineSlash CommandN/ARemoves an existing line item
For use with FacEco and WarEco
lineInteger Input#User input for target line
application notes

Ticket line items can be removed using /removeline. The user specifies the line item being removed and ShockBot will check the specified line to ensure it exists. If the line does not exist, the bot will inform the user of the error.

ParameterData TypeUser InputDescription
/payorderSlash CommandN/AAdd or remove ticket payment
For use with FacEco and WarEco
actionString Choice
Pre-defined choice:
add or remove
primaryInteger Input#User input for primary payment.
secondaryInteger Input#User input for secondary payment.
application notes

All ticket payments are handled using /payorder. Payment can be added beyond the cost of the ticket, but payment value cannot go below 0. Primary payments go towards the upper payment option while secondary payments go towards the lower payment option.

ParameterData TypeUser InputDescription
/movetoproductionSlash CommandN/AMoves ticket to production workflow
For use with FacEco and WarEco
application notes

Tickets with the Paid status are able to be moved to the production workflow. Tickets in production prevent lines or payments to be added or subtracted from the current totals.

ParameterData TypeUser InputDescription
/startproductionSlash CommandN/AStarts printing an existing line item
For use with FacEco and WarEco
lineInteger Input#User input for target line
qtyInteger Input#User input for target quantity
application notes

Ticket line items can be marked currently printing by using /startproduction. The user specifies the line item being delivered along with the quantity of that line being delivered. ShockBot will check the specified line for the numbrer of prints in queue. If the quantity to produce is greater than the number of prints in queue, the bot will inform the user of the error. After completion of the transaction, a follow-up reply will be sent by ShockBot informing the customer the print completion datestamp and user of the command for record keeping.

ParameterData TypeUser InputDescription
/ecodeliverySlash CommandN/ADelivers an existing line item with user-specified quantity
For use with FacEco and WarEco
lineInteger Input#User input for target line
qtyInteger Input#User input for target quantity
application notes

Ticket line items can be marked as delivered by using /ecodelivery. The user specifies the line item being delivered along with the quantity of that line being delivered. ShockBot will check the specified line for the numbrer of completed prints. If the quantity to deliver is greater than the number of completed prints, the bot will inform the user of the error. After completion of the transaction, a follow-up reply will be sent by ShockBot informing the customer the datestamp and user of the command for record keeping.

ParameterData TypeUser InputDescription
/completeorderSlash CommandN/AMarks the order as complete
For use with FacEco and WarEco
application notes

All tickets must be completed with /completeorder or /cancelorder. This command reads the current ticket channel name and ticket status to determine if all lines have been delivered before allowing the ticket status to changed from Delivered to Complete. Only completed tickets will count against the live production totals.

ParameterData TypeUser InputDescription
/cancelorderSlash CommandN/AMarks the order as cancelled
For use with FacEco and WarEco
application notes

All tickets must be completed with /completeorder or /cancelorder. This command sets the current ticket status as Cancelled. Cancelling a ticket within a ticket channel prevents the channel from containing another ShockBot ticket. Customers will need to start another TicketBot ticket (new channel) to place a new order. Tickets status cannot be changed from Cancelled using Discord-level commands.